Wednesday, February 16, 2005

The Simplicity of the Gospel

I had a wonderful experience with my children last night. During our family devotional, my youngest( 5 years old) asked how can she go to heaven. (We're reading through the Gospel of Luke and chapter 21 deals with end times). So I explained to her that all she has to do is ask God to forgive her of her sins and trust in Jesus Christ that he paid the price of our sinfulness on the cross. My daughter puts her face in her hands and said a silent prayer.

My oldest son then asked "How does she know what she's just done? Isn't she to young to even understand?" His voice was agitated and serious, as he asked the questions.

"Ah, that is the beauty of the Gospel," I said. "It's simple enough for a child to understand."

On some level my daughter believes that she is going to heaven because she believes that Christ died on the cross for her sins. Does she understand the complexities of the theology of the Gospel? No. But, I believe she does understand forgiveness and trust.

I explained to my oldest son that I have a duty to teach my daughter as well as him what it means to be a Christian. Simply put we are to trust in Jesus Christ for our salvation. And out of obedience and love for God, we are to do good works. (At this point I read eph 2:8-10 to them.) The uniqueness of Christianity is the sole fact that its only through faith in Christ that one is saved. All other religions depends on the good works of the person to obtain heaven, nirvana, higher enlightenment, paradise, etc. In Christianity we depend on the righteousness of another.

I could tell my son was contemplating what I had said. On the surface, the Gospel message seems to simple and counter-intuitive to human nature. But the Gospel is simple and elegant enough for a 5 year to understand.

To God be the Glory.