Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Revelation over Research...

I guess I shouldn’t be amazed at the op-ed section of the NYtimes. Paul Krugman’s article in today’s online edition is one of those jaw dropping openly biased articles.

Krugman posits a reason why liberals outnumber conservatives at the university level even in science and engineering. His reason: Conservatives value revelation over research & generally don’t respect science or research. Therefore, “It shouldn't be surprising that scholars have returned the favor by losing respect for the Republican Party.”

His major example, of course, is evolution. According to Krugman, conservatives aren’t interested in the “mountain’s of evidence” that supports evolution. This view is driving conservatives to place politics above course content at universities.

Does anybody else, besides me see some serious problems with Krugman’s argument? First, it’s overly simplistic. Furthermore, he misses the point in the debate over evolutionary theories in science. Conservatives are not disregarding the “mountains of evidence.” We just admit that scientist have to interpret that mountain of evidence in light of a given worldview. It’s called “philosophy of science.”

It’s not the science or research conservatives don’t respect it’s the interpretation of the research we don’t respect. That is a huge difference. But Krugman doesn’t see that difference because in his mind it’s a done deal. Wow! And this guy gets a column in the New York Times.